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Sebastian Kakol, 39, was using the fertility drugs to build up muscle for competing in eventslike swimming competitions. Mr Kakol's lawyer, Thomas O'Brien, said it was "unfounded" for the prosecution to claim the athlete "went to great lengths to hide his drug-doping regime", tren turistico san sebastian. He said tests showed Mr Kakol did not take anabolic steroids, was never involved with the production and dispensing of them or their use, and tested positive on only two occasions, ostarine cardarine. Mr O'Brien said the man who set up Mr Kakol's legal defence had received a series of threatening letters from Mr Karsten over the last seven months. "Our client never intended to take any doping, never has," Mr O'Brien said, sebastian san tren turistico. "The prosecution needs to establish that Mr Karsten's comments to the media were malicious. "The prosecution has no other grounds on which to proceed."
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